TOP 10 DIY Garden Ideas

TOP 10 DIY Garden Ideas

Spring is a season of colors, fragrance and romance; and you cannot get true pleasure of all these things without planting a garden close to your door. You may have a small space around your residence as lawn and want to use it to plant roses, vegetables, colorful flowers or herbs; you can do so through DIY garden ideas. These ideas are equally helpful to those who have large gardening space and want something very close to your entrance.

Use Old Furniture to Plant New Garden
One of the newest and best DIY garden ideas is to utilize old furniture to generate fresh planting look. For example; if you have an old dressing table and want to get rid of it, just put it in your lawn and décor through creative planting. Put your plants in pots and keep those pots on the corners and in the middle of the dresser. Open up all the drawers or shelves of your dresser in the shape of a stair and put different colorful plants in it. it will give a dreamy look hypnotizing every eye.

Vertical Garden
You can use something old from your storeroom to arrange it such as old shoe storage sacks joint side by side to each other. Manage one or two rows of them and put soil and plants into to complete this one of the best DIY garden ideas. It will also prevent your plants off animals and birds. Just keep in mind to make sunlight accessible to your plants.